Global Partners
Advancing The B Movement
For this reason, our Global Engagement Committee strives to facilitate the creation of local B Academics, and alliances with existing academic networks and other organizations that are supportive of entrepreneurs, students, faculty, and others involved in sustainability and social responsibility.

B Academics Spain Chapter
Promoted by B Academics and B Lab Spain, B Academics Spain is a grass-roots network of academics that voluntarily contribute to develop diverse initiatives that help local academics/ the academy to increase teaching and research about B Corporations, and therefore, contribute to the transition to a new economy in Spain.
The members of the founder group
- Daniel Truran (B Lab Europe)
- Verónica Devenin (B Academics)
- Belén Barroso (B Academics)
- Nieves Segovia (Institución Educativa SEK)
- Federica Massa-Saluzzo (EADA Business School)
- Alfred Vernis (ESADE)
- Concepción Galdón (Instituto de Empresa)
- Ana Fernández Laviada (Centro Yunus Universidad de Cantabria)
- Marta Mas (Universidad Internacional de Cataluña).
Contact email: (Verónica Devenin)

“Ser empresa B Corp en España” (Being a B Corp in Spain)
We are thrilled to introduce to you the book “Being a B Corp in Spain,” an initiative by B Academics Spain aimed at transforming the teaching of Business Administration and promoting a more responsible and sustainable way of doing business.

Other Global Partnerships
Local B Academy as a B Lab office initiative
- Academia B. Is a global initiative of Sistema B International, based in Latin
- America, that invites academia to be an agent of change.
- B Academy Switzerland. Since 2014, B Lab Switzerland has been building the B Academy network of educators,researchers, students and practitioners.
Adhoc collaborative experiences between academics and B Lab offices
- B Lab Africa. B Lab’s work with regional universities is still at a nascent stage, however, they have an ongoing partnership with Strathmore University.
- B Corps China. Since 2016, Leping Foundation (official country partner of B Lab to be in charge of B Corp movement in Mainland China) has been building the network of educators, researchers and practitioners around various fields of social innovation and stakeholder economy.
- B Lab Taiwan. Since 2017, B Lab Taiwan has been building a B Academy network with local universities to enable professors and students (undergraduates, postgraduates, EMBAs) to learn the system change of the 21st capitalism.
- B Lab Australia and New Zealand. Collaboration between B Lab AANZ and academia has been ad hoc, for example: B Lab AANZ has partnered with Torrens University to produce educational materials on B Corp certification; occasionally puts out a call for interested research partners to collaborate on exploring specific topics; has engaged with Universities in thought leadership around ‘grand challenges’ that align with the B Corp; etc.
Interested in setting up a regional partnership?
If you are interested in setting up a regional partnership with B Academics or learn more about how you can join this global network, please contact our Chair of Global Engagement, Veronica Devenin (
To learn more about The Local Experiences
Advancing the B Movement: A Review of Different Models of Engagement Between Academics and B Lab Offices
This white paper presents the emergent experiences of local engagement between academics and B Lab Offices i.e. local initiatives involving academia aimed at accelerating the transition to a new economy, specifically through promoting teaching and research on B Corporations.
The aim of this white paper is to share how these efforts have emerged and evolved, their different models, challenges and learning process, becoming a guide to assist academics and B Lab Offices from other countries to articulate and navigate the relationship between them.