Impact Reports

We invite you to explore our accomplishments, impact, and evolution during the year. In these reports, we share with you the highlights of our year’s accomplishments. In 2023, B Academics is proud to announce that we:

  • Launched a newly revamped website.
  • Hosted our Teaching Roundtable focused on B Impact Teams.
  • Hosted our Research Roundtable and a Paper Development Workshop.
  • Worked to support B Local focused academic events around the world.
  • Received the assistance of two Duke University MBA students through the Fuqua On Board program. 
  • Engaged over 2,500 people through our newsletter, 163 individual members and 14 institutional supporters.
  • Achieved the 2023 Candid Gold Certification.
  • And much, much more!

Thank you to our stakeholders. None of these accomplishments would be possible without your support and engagement.

Impact reports

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