Committee members
Interested in being a Committee Member?
We are looking for interested individuals to join various Board Committees in unelected positions. You will find descriptions of the various Committees and skills needed below, plus instructions on how to submit interest in joining a committee. Committee Membership occurs on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Committee commitment includes participating in regular virtual meetings organized by the Committee Chair and tasks as assigned by the Chair. You will also be asked to attend B Academics events when possible.
You must be a current B Academics member to join a committee.

Committee descriptions
B Local Committee
Description: The functions and responsibilities of this Advisory Committee are related to partnering with regional B Local groups to help grow the B Corp Community. This committee is ideal for Academics who engage students in experiences like B Impact Teams/Business for Good Labs/internships and can act as a liaison between students and local B Corps & prospective Local B Corps.
Skillset requests: communication, collaboration; prior involvement with B Locals is ideal but not necessary.
Goals 2025:
1. Continue to drive adoption of B Local Academic Chair positions.
2. Launch HBCU Fellowship pilot.
3. Regularly engage in committee meetings.
Communication Committee
Description: The functions and responsibilities of this Advisory Committee are related to building a communications strategy and platform that includes a robust, resourceful website, social media engagement, and marketing materials to support B Academics’ strategic priorities.
Skillset requests: social media management, strategic communication, graphic design & content creation.
Goals 2025:
1. Enhance B Academics’ reputation and engagement with the B Corp movement.
2. Increase social media engagement and interaction.
3. Coordinate the new Board to each committee communications.
Fundraising Committee
Description: The functions and responsibilities of this Advisory Committee are related to developing B Academic’s organizational and funding structure, as well as identifying possible sources of funding and investment opportunities.
Skillset requests: investment experience, finance, and/or accounting skills.
Goals 2025:
1. Build on existing revenue sources (membership, institutional sponsorship, BIT programs) and develop additional revenue generating opportunities (grants, 1% for the planet, and other).
2. Build up reserves and develop sustainable annual financial revenue model in collaboration with Fuqua On Board students.
Global Engagement Committee
Description: The functions and responsibilities of this Advisory Committee are related to co-designing and co-developing Local B Academic Pilots (country level) with local partners. It is also to help increase engagement and exposure of B Academics around the globe.
Skillset requests: We are looking for at least one representative from Latin America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.
Goals 2025:
1. Supporting the constitution of B Academics Italy.
2. Preparing a document with steps to build a B Academics pilot, such as the one we have in Spain (and Italy).
3. Global event 2025.
Membership Committee
The functions and responsibilities of this committee are to assist the Chair in managing the annual membership recruitment and renewal process, including individual and institutional members. This committee will also assist in fleshing out the value proposition for each membership category.
Goals 2025:
1. Strengthen Institutional Sponsorship.
2. Strengthen Membership Lifecycle.
3. Build Out Resources and Events for Members.
Research Committee
Description: The functions and responsibilities of this Advisory Committee are related to identifying opportunities to encourage & promote research on B Corps & Benefit Corporations, organize the annual Research Roundtable event, maintain a database of B Corp publications, facilitate information sharing, learning, and community building among B Corp researchers.
Skillset requests: communication, teamwork, ideally extensive experience publishing research on B Corps.
Goals 2025:
1. Execute AOM 2025 PDW.
2. Prepare and submit proposal for a PDW at AOM 2026
3. Organize a virtual event on B Corp/business for goodrelated research. The purpose and details of the event to be decided with committee members input.
4. Continue B Lab data project.
5. Continue supporting current working groups and the creation of new working groups 6. Explore the creation of a listserv/discussion board for those interested in this research topic.
Student Engagement Committee
Description: The functions and responsibilities of this Advisory Committee are related to engaging and shaping the role of students in B Academics, as well as the development of a student mentorship program.
Skillset requests: Undergraduate or Graduate students.
Goals 2025:
1. Expand student engagement through summer BIT and additional programming.
Teaching and Curriculum Innovation Committee
Description: The functions and responsibilities of this Advisory Committee are related to creating opportunities to develop and share resources & information related to the best practices for teaching about B Corps, benefit corporations, and B Impact teams (emphasizing experiential learning & case studies), via the website resource portal, the annual Teaching Roundtable event, and others.
Skillset requests: communication, teamwork, ideally extensive experience teaching about B Corps.
Goals 2025:
1. Continue to grow and engage academic network focused on teaching.
2. Coordinate a gathering of faculty who run and/or who are interested in running B Impact Teams / Business for Good Labs / B Collaborative programs at their schools to discuss pulling together resource, collecting common metrics, B Corp consultants programs, V7 of the assessment and other topics of interest.
3. Continue to build out the BIT spectrum of offerings.
4. Continue to collaborate with & support B Lab on development of new B Consultants Curriculum.
5. Continue to collaborate with & support AACSB’s new Societal Impact Leadership competencies, best practices, and curricula.
6. B Academics Textbook.
7. Submit one article per year to practitioner focused journal .
How to join a Committee

If you are interested in joining one of the committees above, please fill out the form below. Please choose your top two options in case there is not enough space for you to join a committee.
Each committee is limited to 5 members, excluding the Chair. If you have any questions about the Committees, contact the committee chair at the email address above.