Verónica Díaz Almeida of Sistema B: Call for Papers

A new economy from Latin America

The first academic conference on the New Economy and Purpose-Driven Companies, organized collaboratively by Academia B and the academic world, aims to bring together  students and postgrad researchers so that they can present their research on this emerging phenomenon. We want to cover it from various perspectives: impact measurement, inclusion of women and youth, climate change, social movements related to the new economy, collaboration, and other management challenges for companies with a purpose, as well as legal and institutional frameworks.

This conference, which will be held on November 13, will be a milestone for us, business people and academics, to work together on the development of relevant and impactful knowledge of the new shapes the corporate world is taking and the social movements that come along with them. As part of the conference, a Special Issue on “New Economy and purpose-Driven Companies” will be drawn up and published in Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, one of the three top business administration journals in Latin America according to 2014-2017 Thomson’s Journal Citation Reports.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is May 2.

More information on the organization and timelines will be available as from March 6on

Know more about the CALL FOR PAPERS here.

Sincerely yours,

María Emilia Correa

Co-founder of Sistema B
Director of Academia B

Veronica Devenin

Assistant Professor, School of Business/Corporate Sustainability Center, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

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